
We are a 100% mobile operation which means we come to you. Your place not going to work? No worries! Check out these other options. We've compiled a list of locations that will let you use their facility for an additional fee.

Think you might own a place that would make a great venue? Give us a call and maybe it can be the next Laser Tag Live battle ground.


Your Home

We can host at almost any home. You can't beat the convenience and you will be the talk of the neighborhood. We find that a total lot size of 5,000 sqft or bigger with access to the front and back yard on both sides of the house works best. In a pinch we will do our best to make your property work. When we schedule your event we use Google Earth to make sure that it will be a great location for laser tag.  

Due to the high energy game play we do not suggest playing inside homes. 

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Local Parks

Take advantage of the local parks in your area for your event. Many parks departments have varying requirements for playing Laser Tag so we suggest giving the Parks and Rec office of the city you want to game in a call to find out more. 

Feel free to give us a call for suggestions. 206.930.9840

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Large Rooms/Gyms/ Buildings

If your worried about the weather we have you covered. We can set up our bunkers in any 3/4 size gym (4,200 sqft) or larger. If the building you’re looking at has multiple rooms and/or floors you may not even need to use our fully fortified bunker system ($50 upgrade). What sets our Laser Taggers apart from others is we can program the range as well as for indoor or outdoor use on the fly. 

Most buildings will require insurance which we can provide to you at no extra cost. If they are concerned about the flooring, all of our equipment is non ground damaging.